Learning Management Software
Assures improvement in your training program with Elvis Learning Management Software
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Learning Management Software (LMS)
Learning management software will keep students informed, involved, and collaborating together. Through our course management systems, services, and expertise, our LMS work to build a better education experience.
Through this learning management system students can share books online, share their ideas through discussion platforms, learn using the course materials.
This LMS allows a teacher or other faculty to analyse student learning, performance status and more. Also a teacher can schedule exams of home works to a student through Elvis Learning management software
Faculty can upload new syllabus, reference links for new chapters, new exam questions with Elvis LMS. He can also get various reports like student performance, speed of learning etc. directly from this course management system.
Course Management System
Institution can make a course calendar in Elvis course management system. With this a student can understand the course details very easily and can select the interested course. Also student can send request for registration of courses which they are interested.
Institution or a faculty can send notifications or reminders to a student on upcoming classes. Faculty can also upload assignments to student in Elvis LMS.
In Elvis course management system a student can upload there academic videos or blogs. This blogs or videos can be published in Elvis LMS after approval of a faculty. A student can also suggest some useful reference links which can be helpful for other students in there studies.
Features Of Elvis Interact
Learning Schedule LMS
Elvis Schedule Learn is a platform in which students can organise how they can complete and prepare for their exams and course. This tools works as an excellent tool for students to plan their days ahead and move in a very ordered and through the right path.
The Elvis Schedule Learn will thus change the whole culture of student in his learning style. This will make learning system of a student more smooth.
Exam Schedule LMS
Elvis exams provide you the scope for conducting exams online via Elvis. Elvis online exams will offer you many advantages like secured exams, user convenience, analysis, paperless to go green and it cost effective. Elvis exams will reduce the cost of conducting exams as there is no printing, distribution or transportation of question papers and answer sheets.
Elvis exams ensure an online exam which is conducted in a secured environment. It maintains confidentiality and avoids paper leaks. We can randomize sequence of questions for each examinee, as no two students will see same questions at same time. User convenience is another major advantage of Elvis exam. Users can take exams as per their convenience .Exams can be configured for 24X7 availability. Users can view the exam results immediately after the exam.
Elvis exams will help you to expand the scope of conducting exams. Create multiple exams on multiple subjects for multiple courses. Create exams in multiple languages and overcome the language constraints. Conduct exams in several geographically scattered locations at the same time. Panel of Question Setters and Examiners can be independent of geographical location.
Elvis exam allows you to analyze the exams conducted in previous years or in previous semesters. Customizable Reports to help you retrieve and analyze the desired statistic data.
LMS Whiteboard
Elvis whiteboard is a very innovative module in Elvis. Whiteboard will function same as a whiteboard in a classroom. Faculty can teach students using Elvis whiteboard like the same way as in a classroom.
Faculty can invite students to join in the session of Elvis whiteboard. Once they joined the session they can see the whiteboard on the screen and they can see all the things which are written on the whiteboard by the faculty and the audio will be heard through speaker, thus a virtual classroom is made possible through this software.